What is self-care?
I don’t know about you, but the concept of self-care has been all over my social media lately. While self-care has come to mean many different things in modern media, it is fundamentally the practice of taking care of yourself in all aspects of your life. This could include physical, mental, emotional, relational, and financial. Many people think of self-care as bubble baths and face masks (and those things are great!) but self-care extends to many other areas of life, including wearing clothing you like (physical self-care) and setting boundaries with others (relational self-care).
Understanding self-care is simple, but consistent self-care practices are not always easy to establish. In order to make positive change, we first have to acknowledge where we are starting. Sometimes it can be helpful to take a personal self-care inventory. I love this self-care assessment from Therapist Aid: https://www.therapistaid.com/worksheets/self-care-assessment. Take the assessment and see how you’re doing.
How did it feel to take the assessment? What did you notice about your self-care habits? Where would you like to see some improvements? A great place to work on your well-being and self-care habits is in counseling. Counselors can help you set goals and hold you accountable to making positive change. Click the “Learn More” button if you’re interested in seeing if therapy is the right fit for you.